Friday, September 7, 2007

My New baby and a quick update

So I thought I better post about my new baby. My brand spanking new Mac Book Pro. I am very impressed with it altho it has left a huge whole in my wallet. It was worth every penny. I love her. shes all silver and shiny. And I actually using her fore a good purpose. Like graphics, one areas of job other than being a youth intern is too do some of the graphic work. So I have done alot of posters and flyers etc. I really enjoy this side of my job. However I am beginning to have to get use to just sitting behind a computer for hours in a day. Altho my new toy is helping make that easier.

An update..

Things are going so well.. I would like to say a massive thankyou to all my familes over here. I am learning slowly to call this place my home. People have been so good to me here. Youth Group is going so well we are considering spiliting up again. So thats postive and my team is great. church is going well, I am beginning to get my head around there terminology. Life is tough over here still because I dont have my friends and family but I am beginning to get other friends and other family.

Hope you are well..


Prayer Letter

Hello Everyone,

Well here is my second prayer letter from over the pond. Well life is very interesting and quite different from what I expected. Although I am enjoying it I still miss Knutsford and all my friends and family. So that is the first thing you could all pray for is my continuing settling in process.

Anyway this is my house (picture that wouldn’t send so use your imagination) that I am living in and with my lovely host who are called Dallas and Betty Pearson. They have two grown up daughters named LeAnn and Missy. I get on really well with both of them and its just like one big happy family. I am ever so grateful for all they have done for me.

So since we last spoke I have been really busy with church life and meetings and everything else that is involved in working for a church. My boss the pastor Bruce Hopler is a great guy and has been a massive influence on me beginning to feel at home in this crazy place. I have had a Youth Group ‘Launch Lunch’ which was a lunch to launch my team’s vision for the work of young people in Cornerstone, this went really well. I shared my testimony, which was quite scary, but seemed to come across really well.

I had a great visit from the Pearson family. We went to DC and did some sight seeing in temperatures of over a 100 degrees, which was so hot, and we all lost a few pounds. So my first to DC was really nice. And it was nice to see one of my best friends in the world.

Coming up in my life in the next month that I could really use your prayer for the starting of the youth group, which meets on a Wednesday night and this will be interesting to see how people react to the ideas we have and hopefully we will see lives changed.

Prayer Support

• My continuing missing home
• Settling in
• Pulse Youth ministry and the youth group
• For continuing health and getting sleep
• And for all the guys over here that are about to go off to college

I really appreciate all your support and please email me and send me letters keeping me updated on life.
God Bless Ali x