Wednesday, July 25, 2007

25th July Prayer Letter

Hello Everyone,

So here is my first prayer update. I now been in America for nearly a week, it has been a rollercoaster of a week and has had its ups and its downs but I am at home here. I staying at the home of Betty and Dallas Pearson, they live in a very nice heart in the city of Columbia Maryland, close to both Baltimore and Washington DC. I have spent my first week getting to know everyone in thea church and my new boss Bruce Hopler. The church I am working for is Cornerstone Community Church (the website Its a large church in a warehouse in Columbia.

The flight was long and I felt nervous until I started to talk to the person next to me, she was a Church in Maryland. Which an answer to a prayer my Nanna had prayer early in the day. Praise God.I have spent my first week with my head in books and papers, trying get my head around the heart of the church and America culutre. It is so BIG and they drive on the wrong or maybe the right side of road. Got myself a car, a ford escort, which I am now legal to drive.
I am really happy and settled in. Here but here are some key prayer points that you can pray for:
1. That I will continue to settle in.
2. That as I meet people doors will open.
3. That I connect with the young people.
Contact on how you all your doing over there would be much appreciated. My blog is (where you will able to catch my thoughts, see some pictures and post messages). My postal address is:

6312 Sunhigh Place

My Telephone number is 410-290-5874.

And feel free to send me an email. Thankyou for all your prayers.

God Bless

Ali Johnson


Anonymous said...

Good to see you there/safe etc... will keep checking in, blessings etc! Richard B.

Anonymous said...

Great to read what you have been up to Dee x